Monday, February 24, 2020

Privatizing Social Security is the best way to deal with the Social Essay

Privatizing Social Security is the best way to deal with the Social Security crisis - Essay Example During his initial campaign for the presidency and into his first term in office, President Bush outlined and championed a method that could save this ailing, enormously costly and inefficient socialist conceived dinosaur by introducing a streamlined plan that would privatize social security. This discussion briefly explains how Social Security is collected and distributed, how it affects different segments of society and why the fund is shrinking. It then examines the Bush administration’s proposed solution to the problem and appraises the merits of the plan to privatize Social Security. The Social Security system operates by collecting taxpayer money and redistributing it to selected persons in need. Employees pay about six percent of their salary into Social Security and their employer contributes a matching amount. The fund earns interest by investing in U.S. Treasury bonds then pays retirees who have paid into the fund as employees. It also pays to the spouses of deceased retirees and to disabled persons of working age. Half of the nation’s elderly would live below the poverty line if not for the benefits paid by Social Security as opposed to the ten percent presently in poverty. Today, nearly 60 percent of retirees acquire more than half of their income from Social Security. For a third of recipients, benefits account for 90 percent of their total income (Epstein, 2006 p. 12-15) Today, Social Security is taking in slightly more money than it is paying out. According to government estimates, the reverse will be true â€Å"within the next fifteen to twenty years† (Johnson, 2006) but will still be capable of paying full benefits until about 2042. The Social Security Administration estimates that the funding balance will tip by 2028 and steadily decline until the fund is exhausted in 2042 at which time it will retain the interest paid from the Treasury bonds and when that is depleted these bonds are sold back to the

Friday, February 7, 2020

Producing sustainable self compacting concrete Literature review

Producing sustainable self compacting concrete - Literature review Example Research Methodology The research methodology that I intend to implement entails collecting relevant data on the topic of self-compacting and concrete from different documents and compiling the databases to critically analyze the topic and arrive at an understanding that is more complete. The methodology also entails shading some light on questions that relate to the topic and on the results of the 9 mixes of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, water, and fly ash. The work to be undertaken in this research involves doing a mixture of substances and finding out the results. Some of the risk assessment to consider in this research is such as; taking careful measures when mixing different substances, following given instructions carefully to avoid mistakes that can lead to inappropriate results and so on. Components in the Mixture Cement 584 2 584 2 Fine Aggregate (0/4mg) 987 3 987 3 987 3 Coarse aggregate (4/8mg) 526 526 5 526 5 Water 260 260 260 Fly ash 0% 5% 10% 20% NJ 50 1% 3% 5% W/C 0,445053064 0,445053064 0,445053064 Cement 584 2 584 2 Fine Aggregate (0/4mg) 987 3 987 3 987 3 Coarse aggregate (4/8mg) 526,5 526 5 526,5 526,5 Water 292,1 292,1 292,1 292,1 292,1 Fly ash 0% 5% 10% 20% NJ 50 1% 3% 5% W/C 0,5 0,5 0,5 Producing Sustainable Self Compacting Concrete Sustainability is the newest standard in the engineering sector. This new standard is proving according to research and many experiments to be one of a better future. In the Following paper, we shall discuss the production of self-compacting concrete cement, acrylic polymer, and fine aggregate sand. These are all part in the engineering sector of structures that are all around us. However, they are different in that they are the new technologies that most first world countries want to start using if they have not started already. The above new technologies are set to take the world by storm by their nature to create structures with a significant less affinity to deformity. The aforementioned precast concrete is a type of Self-compacting concrete. Production of a Sustainable Self-Consolidating/ Compacting Concrete According to numerous dictionaries, sustainability is the ability of maintaining a subject or an object. Dictionaries go further and state that the maintenance of an object has the ability to use the natural resource repeatedly without having to destroy the balance created naturally in the ecological system. In the construction world now, this definition states that manufactured concrete has the ability to utilize the natural resources without interfering with the ecological system. This brings forth an issue that the construction sector is experiencing. Is it possible to produce concrete that is friendly to the eco-system? The answer to this is yes it is possible (Park, 2010). Over a century ago, production of over ten metric tonnes of cement was produced in the construction sector. The whole world produces this amount. However, the amount of concrete produced was ro ughly around 40 million cubic meters. In the 1900 the total human population was roughly 1.64 billion people, the number now has more than quadrupled with the population staggering over 7billion people. In those times the amount of cement a person could use